Food Cravings – We all get them, but why?

I won’t start this with a “have you ever…”  This post is more of a “how often do you…?” Today’s subject is Cravings. We all get them.  Could be the late afternoon sweet tooth, the late night chips, or maybe ice cream while watching TV. I’m just like you; I get the hankering for a spoonful of…

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Take It Outside!

Can you hear your mom yelling this at you as a kid?   I sure can. My siblings and I grew up playing in the yard, ball in the streets, hide & seek outside at night.  As we get older sometimes we forget how these simple times and fun with friends gave us so much happiness AND…

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Yes You Can Get Stronger At Any Age

This question has come up a number of times just this week so I thought I would share with everyone.  Q: Shouldn’t I just do more cardio to stay in shape? A: No. emphatically, NO! We don’t accept getting older, slower, and weaker anymore.  That was a couple of generations ago. If you are like me, you…

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What if 2020…

If you are like most of us, you’ve probably recently seen, heard, or said things like: Somebody please hit the 2020 Reset Button 2020 has been canceled!! Everything went downhill after Kobe died I wish it could all go back to ‘normal’ …and a whole bunch of other “funny” but truth filled comments. But, actually…

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