Are you playing the long game?

The name of the game as we get older is to continue being able to do all the things we love to do without pain or injury. Personally, I’m turning 55 this year and look better than in my 40’s, and actually as fit as I need to be, and feel overall good. Do I…

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3 Tips to lose weight – no diet and no exercise

Yes it’s true: You can lose weight without diet or exercise. Is it my recommendation? No. I believe the trifecta of health is an activity for mental, emotional, and physical. But sometimes training isn’t feasible and my clients still want to lose weight or just get started slowly. And that’s Ok. So in response to…

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Don’t do this

Have you ever gotten injured doing an exercise and heard your doctor say, “Well, don’t do that exercise anymore?” There’s a better answer. For coaches like me, it’s important to ask the right questions in order to get the right answer. Instead of focusing on the exercise, you were doing when you felt a pull…

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What’s my capacity?

In these crazy times, it’s important to understand a critical concept that could mean the difference between sticking with your fitness plan in the New Year and giving up. It’s your capacity. What’s your capacity? Your capacity is how much stress (i.e. load) your body can endure in a given day before pain and injury…

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