Not enough time…

Have you ever said “I don’t have time” when presented with an opportunity, task, change in life, new experience? I have. More times that I would like to realize. What this really comes down to is a convenient excuse. Straight up. That’s what it is. Could be uses for your kids, spouse, going to spend…

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Have you changed for the better?

By now you probably realize that in most places, it was around a year ago this week when things started to change pretty dramatically. Shutdowns. Lockdowns. Suffering on a scale we’ve never seen before. I certainly didn’t prefer how COVID turned things upside-down over the past 12 months. But I’m pretty sure I changed for…

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How is tax day health-related?

How could Tax day and your health be related? Well, not to bring you down, but tax day is coming up. At this time of year, most of us get our financial affairs in order, take stock of where we are, and examine what needs to change to improve our situation in the coming year.…

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What to do when you plateau

If you’ve been involved in health and fitness activities on any level at almost any time, chances are you’re familiar with the word “plateau.” Basically, when someone begins an exercise and nutrition program after a period of relative inactivity and less than supportive nutrition, the results tend to happen fairly quickly. Most people start feeling…

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