Momentum is a choice

I wanted to share with you this very relevant and one of the oldest sports clichés which have to do with which team has the “momentum.” It’s funny, the team that’s winning always seems to have the momentum. And the team that’s losing doesn’t have any at all. The only problem with this analysis is that…

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Motivation is a myth

I hear this a lot from people who are struggling with their fitness: “I’m not motivated to work out.”​ Hear me out on this: It turns out that motivation is a myth. That’s right, it doesn’t exist.​ At least not by itself. ​Motivation is not something that’s going to crash down from the sky like…

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Labor of love

It’s Labor Day here in the good ol’ US of A, the symbolic end of summertime and the unofficial start of fall. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for allowing me to do something I love – coaching people I really enjoy on how to improve their lives, gain physical and mental strength and…

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What’s a fresh start?

I hear a lot of people talking about wanting to get a “fresh start” with their fitness. But what does that really mean? In order for someone to “restart,” this implies that at some point along the way, they stopped. And while that’s not ideal, it happens. So if you’ve fallen out of your routine, it’s best…

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