One of the biggest keys to success with health and fitness is to celebrate your wins. We spend too much time criticizing ourselves, or not feeling good enough because things aren’t perfect, or we live in a constant state of “should have”.
This keeps you small, possibly unhappy, and certainly not moving toward your goals.
So Let’s flip that around and start celebrating everything. No matter how small because there are no little victories. They’re all big. They all add up.
- An extra workout.
- A more supportive meal
- A pound lost
- A personal record gained
- Got off the couch and took a walk instead of sitting for an hour
- Entering a supportive relationship … or, exiting a toxic one (this is a big one)
Whatever it is, in order to let it sink in and keep the momentum going, you need to celebrate it. Write it down in a notebook, journal, or diary where you track your successes. Tell friends or family members about it. You can do this on Facebook, but you don’t have to. Remember the days of picking up the phone and talking to someone?
Whatever feels right to you, that’s how you should celebrate.
Your mind will eat it up, and it will crave – and create – more success.
Keep up the great work and personal victories. I am proud of you!!