Celebrate it ALL

One of the biggest keys to success with health and fitness is to celebrate your wins. We spend too much time criticizing ourselves, or not feeling good enough because things aren’t perfect, or we live in a constant state of “should have”. This keeps you small, possibly unhappy, and certainly not moving toward your goals.…

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Why do you get stuck in equilibrium

Our bodies seem to like equilibrium. If we’re stuck on a number on the scale, our bodies seem to like that. If we’re stuck on a strength number in the gym – a 135-pound bench press, for example – our bodies seem to thrive in that state of inertia. Our bodies seem to dislike change.…

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Mind body connection – 3 solid tips to rock it

You may have heard about the “mind-body connection,” but what does that really mean? In a nutshell, our beliefs create feelings, which lead to actions, which produce results. How would that work with fitness? Let’s say that somewhere along the way, someone told you something like, “You’re joining a gym again? You’ve done that a…

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This one hurts a little

I love when the clocks spring forward and we get more daylight at the end of the day, but these first few days can hurt a little. I even made sure I went to bed at my normal bedtime when the clocks changed, about 9:45 (lights out by 10:00) even though it still felt like…

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