It’s a fall season – time to gear up and plan for the final year countdown to finish strong
It’s pumpkin spice season – yum
It’s my Birthday Month – Yay me, still young and strong! ok still strong. 🙂
But most of all it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month.
This one is personal for me since my mom had breast cancer, and fought it bravely. But ultimately, it came back and spread to pancreatic cancer and she did not win that battle.
It’s been about 10 years now, but I want to share a memory and life lesson with you that I have not, nor will ever, forget.
It was a cool morning in Newport Beach and thousands of people were gathering for the Susan G walk/run. I still remember this day vividly. My mom was not a fitness person and did not walk long distances. And I’m pretty certain she had never done a large-scale event like this before that day.
But she did it anyway!
During the walk/run, she had to stop a couple of times to rest (this was a 5k) and she even cut a corner on one of the turns so she could catch up and walk with us together. She finished the walk and I suspect she was much more uncomfortable than she let us know. But she did it anyway! She finished!
Here are 3 things that I observed from my Mom on that day that I want to share with you. I hope at least one of these gives you inspiration for today to keep pressing on with ANY battle you may be fighting:
- She never said ” “I cant do that walk, its too hard”, she just did it.
- She had a smile on her face the whole time no matter how hard it was or how miserable she felt. She knew we were there to persevere with her.
- She never quit! – She didn’t complain, she just quietly fought to finish that race and her own battle until her last days.
So our lesson today comes from mom. Whatever you are facing, stay positive, keep yourself surrounded by good people, and stay faithful.
Never give up.