Do you wonder some days “how can I be happy?” Have you ever caught yourself saying something like, “I’ll be happy when [fill in the blank] happens.”?
For example, as a fitness professional, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I’ll be happy when I reach my goal weight.” Or “I’ll be happy when my old pants fit again.” If you’re struggling financially, you might say something to the effect of, “I’ll be happy when I’m debt-free.” If your relationship is rocky, you might say, “If they would just do X, I would be happy.”
Although these are very common scenarios, they are also examples of you looking to something external to “make you happy.”
So I ask you, Why would you delay your happiness (and potentially never get it) by making it contingent on something outside of yourself?
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done the same thing and have to stay vigilant with my thinking to be aware. But, I’m getting better at not doing it. The reality is, happiness is an inside job. It’s a DECISION you can make right now.
You may not prefer a current situation, but that doesn’t mean YOU can’t be happy. By the way, as a fitness professional, I’ve also got countless examples of people who lost weight but still weren’t happy people. There are all kinds of stories of miserable people who win the lotto. After the initial fun and excitement, they usually end up miserable and/or broke.
A person, place, or thing can’t make you truly happy.
Only you can.
And, you can literally do it right now. Happiness is a state of mind, a choice. And, your state of mind is dictated by YOUR thinking. Since you get to choose your thoughts at any moment, I strongly encourage you to IMpower yourself and choose to BE happy.
Happiness is an inside job! 😉