Fridays! Woo-hoo! You worked hard this week, you exercised hard, you managed your house, family, yourself – it’s time to totally let loose, relax, and indulge, right? Well, not exactly.
If you want to maintain all the progress from your hard work of exercise, clean eating, and good habits, I have a few tips for you. If you want to hit the reset on Monday feeling not so great, then let it loose (not recommended for mental, emotional, or physical health). I am an advocate of relaxing, splurging some, and enjoying my weekend. Well actually, I’m in favor of that during the week too (when part of a total plan).
Here are a few tips to help you enjoy your weekend without the guilt of starting over on Monday because you over did it.
1- Enjoy a cheat meal, not a cheat weekend. Having a meal that’s not usually on your eating regimen is great. I recommend that you keep it in check with the portion size. This is one key that my clients and I are finding to be part of their overall success. Enjoy something but keep it small so you body can process the extra calories, fat, or whatever your splurge may be. No guilt, minimal physical impact.
2- Stay Active. During the week you are usually working or have less opportunity to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Take advantage of this on the weekend. Get your family and friends out with you to enjoy social and bonding time. This will also keep you away from the couch, fridge, bag of chips that keeps calling you, etc. Fresh air, activity, bonding, all good.
3- Keep the Alcohol in check. You may be tempted to have an extra glass of wine or two since its the weekend and you are home chilling. Enjoy the wine but don’t be unaware and find yourself with an empty bottle and a belly full of empty, metabolism slowing calories. Remember – your body will detox alcohol (after about 2 drinks) or burn fat, not both at the same time. Choose which one you want more.
Quick summary – Enjoy your weekend. Live a little extra. But dont take it into the next week with you because it will follow you.
I hope this helps you stay healthy, happy and relaxed each weekend.