How to shake off negativity and refocus

Are you one of the millions of people who are feeling more frustrated, bitter, and finding it easier to get upset and angry with how the world is these days? It’s totally understandable right now with the world in a seemingly massive state of transition. Pick an area in life that does not feel like its…

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Are you committing these 5 mistakes?

Are you trying to lose weight—but it’s not going as planned? It’s possible that you may be committing some common weight loss mistakes. This email is timely because we have been discussing ALL these points in our group classes and personal training this week because our clients are asking. The questions keep coming up so I thought I…

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Time to refocus your health – 3 easy steps

So here we are…late 2020 already, Wow! Coming out of summer, even though it’s still really hot and humid, kids are going back to school, one way or another, and your work may or may not be from home or a combo of both. No matter what it’s time to get back to a regular…

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