Do you have the magic power of Gratitude?
You may think of course, I’m thankful for things in my life.
Good. But what I’m talking about is the deep gratitude that creates unstoppable energy in you that radiates outward and changes your whole state of being.
But Coach, everything stinks right now; kids don’t know if they are going back to school, my job is in jeopardy, my finances are struggling, I have friends that are sick or dying. How can I be grateful?
I’m feeling the same as you because I am living all of those things with you. But you can be grateful. Because, no matter what circumstance in life you are facing, there are things to focus on to be grateful for. When you focus or align yourself with gratitude it helps bring your mind and emotions back into order. Try it now. Really, take a minute, close your eyes, take a deep breath and let it out. Let your mind chatter shift to gratefulness. Actually feel the gratitude relaxing your body and mind.
Ok, now share your gratitude with people around you. It’s an infectious energy. The more you put it out the more powerful it becomes.
Many times when you share gratitude with someone else, you positively impact them and often without even knowing it. People feed off of energy, good or bad. Share and show it without expectation. It’s a state of being. Just like walking around upset or angry. That too has an energy that affects everything you do AND the people around you.
It’s a choice. Which would you rather be feeling?
Here is a quick story;
A friend was driving her kids’ home from a practice at night. She is a single mother, works long hours, was overwhelmed, she had to get drive thru for dinner because she had no time to cook, and she was low on patience and was already feeling badly about being on work calls instead of taking time to be part of her kids life, a real and active part. Essentially she was disconnected from them.
– On her way home it was raining and one more thing went wrong….she got a flat tire on the freeway. The tow company was busy and was, at minimum, 45 minutes away. This was her final straw. She broke down.
After pulling herself together, she turned and saw her kids just silently staring at her.
This was her ‘A-ha!’ moment. For all the times she had been missing with them, she was now stuck in the car, nowhere to go, no work distraction, nothing but an opportunity for quality time with her kids that she so desperately needed. This she realized this was a moment of gratitude. She took a moment and gave thanks for the rainy night, the flat tire, and the busy tow company. All those negative moments which led to a meaningful moment of massive gratitude.
The take away here is to look through and past the negative and see what gratitude opportunities are looking right back at you. Just waiting for you to recognize and embrace them.
Until next time…..