OK so, you’ve started an exercise/workout program… You’ve changed the way you eat to include healthier food choices, and you’ve followed the advice and the plan your trainer/coach has set for you. But, you’re not losing weight???
This is a very common concern and one that doesn’t have a very clear answer (I know that’s not what you wanted me to tell you, but it’s true.)
But what I can tell you is this:
It will happen. And when it does, all your worries will melt away.
You see, everyone is different. This means that you may not see results as quickly as someone else. If you have worked with me you know, we stay in our own lane and focus on ourselves, not someone else’s. If you do compare, this is a sure recipe for a mental block and upset (topic for another day). But if you follow the plan, adjust how much (and what) you’re eating, the weight will start to come off. It might be slower than you’d like, but that’s because most of us are impatient and want change instantly (confession, I’m just like most people and expect to drop 10 pounds my first week every time I start a program, but it never happens).
Believe it or not, this is exactly what you want. The average weight loss should be 1 to 2 pounds a week. This is sustainable with new eating and exercise habits. Rapid weight loss is usually not all fat loss and is likely to return quickly also. You may even experience muscle loss. And who wants that? But you can expect to start losing weight within a few days of making changes. It takes a few days for your body to realize that something new and lasting is happening. And, the more changes you make and adopt, the more weight you may end up losing. Sweet!!
But there is something to remember:
After a week or two, you may notice your weight loss will start slowing. This is normal and often due to your body making the adjustments it needs to slow your metabolism and prevent too much energy from escaping. Keep in mind your body is an adaptable machine. An example of this is when people start dropping calories to make changes, that’s OK. But, then they drop again because the weight loss slows down. Then drop again, until they are eating less than 1,000 calories, and are unknowingly in a starvation mode.
What’s happening in your body is that it’s adjusting to living on what you put it and eventually you have to add more back.
Big tip: Instead, use variety to your advantage.
- Vary your foods, mix up your amounts and types of proteins and veggies but know the approximate amount of calories you are eating.
- Vary your workouts; one day do circuits, another strength, another cardio, add in some yoga.
Your body loves variety, your mind loves variety, and your weight loss will be representative of some of your variety. It’s important to understand that by continuing with your plan, the weight will continue to come off. And if not, making the right adjustments to your diet will get you moving in the right direction again. If you’ve started a plan to lose weight, then you may want to know how long it may take to start seeing weight loss. Typically, if you follow the plan, you may start weight loss in as little as a week.
And as you stick to the schedule and your plan, and dial in your nutrition, you could start seeing results sooner, rather than later.
Stay focused, have fun, and enjoy the journey,. Hopefully, you have a good ‘Why’ to your new weight loss and improved health plan to motivate you.
We are always here to support, educate, and motivate you.
Until Next time…
Dedicated to your healthy lifestyle,
Coach Greg