This question has come up a number of times just this week so I thought I would share with everyone.
Q: Shouldn’t I just do more cardio to stay in shape?
A: No. emphatically, NO!
We don’t accept getting older, slower, and weaker anymore. That was a couple of generations ago. If you are like me, you want to stay more fit, keep up with the kids, and live life every day to the fullest. This includes getting stronger. My goal when I turned 50 was to come sliding in strong, in shape, and kicking some behind. With focus, good eating, and dedication…I did. And so can you at any age.
Of course we aren’t in our “high school shape” or “back in the day” shape, but that doesn’t mean we don’t kick some big time booty at our current age.
So why not just cardio? Well, cardio has its benefits including vascular health and it burns calories. However, If you want the full health and fitness package of:
- Getting stronger
- Being more physically fit (conditioned)
- Having a faster metabolism (heck yes)
- Protecting your bones and joints as you get older
- And of course, looking superb at any age
The simple answer is that you need to have an appropriate strength training program in place. Strength training is good for everyone. It’s a great way to get stronger, look better, and have more energy—in only a few short sessions each week (20 to 30 minutes tops – like our No Excuse Workouts).
The basis of strength training is this:
You gradually overload your muscles—with weights, bands, dumbbells, or even your own bodyweight—to get some sort of a change. It gradually puts stress on your muscles and makes them stronger with more muscle density, not bigger, just better quality.
Think about that friend who looks good but when you touch or squeeze their arm, its mushy. That’s called skinny fat, the muscle has minimal density or quality.
Ladies: Don’t worry about “bulking” up…you have lower levels of testosterone, so you will see more strength than huge gains in muscle).
The benefits of strength training are well documented. You may see:
*Increased muscle mass—as you get older, your muscle mass starts to decrease. Strength training is one of the easiest ways to reverse this trend. In women, strength training may lead to stronger, more defined muscles, so that’s a plus.
*Stronger Bones—as you get older, you may be more likely to suffer broken bones from falls. Strength training, however, places a stress on your bones (not just your muscles), which could improve your bone density.
*Weight Loss—lean mass burns more calories than fat. Period! By increasing your lean muscle mass could lead to burning more calories, which could lead to a leaner, more defined body.
The bottom line is this:
Strength training is one key to losing weight, getting in shape, and getting stronger. If you’re not currently doing a strength training workout, then you should think about starting one. (register for one of our Women Only – FREE trial classes
Strength training may also boost your metabolic rate (your ability to burn fat and lose weight) with just 20 to 30 minutes, three days a week. That’s how we do it!
If you are confused, or you have any questions on the benefits of strength training, be sure to let me know.
Until next time…
– Be Healthy
– Be Strong
– Be IMpowered
Coach Greg