I had a thought and maybe you had the same one ….
Before the quarantine, we were running everywhere, busy, busy, busy.
Passing by our family and friends quickly as we all went different directions. Maybe even, “I will see them tomorrow, or later in the week”.
Essentially, we were becoming less “humanly” connected.
Sure, we text, IG, FB etc. but its not the same as face to face interaction.
Have you thought of anyone you wish you could go see right now?
I have. More than one.
A basic human need is to have face to face interaction and contact.
Often, we take these things for granted. Presuming we will always be able to swing by Starbucks, or meet a friend at the Cafe, or have a soccer game at the park with friends or in leagues, go to school, worship at a church.
Sadly, many of us have experienced that it takes a “forced event” or tragedy to stop and take notice.
So, let’s turn this unique time in history in our favor!!
Now is a great time to take a couple minutes and say out loud or write a list of the things you may have taken for granted but now have a greater appreciation for.
On a personal note, If you know me, you know I am a hug person. I have been told my hugs are special. Why? It’s a simple answer, I hug with intent and love. For me, this is a missing element in my world. Connect and share love, support, motivation, and friendship.
(By my math I have approximately 300 hugs in the “to do” bucket when quarantine is lifted.)
I challenge you….... If you were a person who gave a passing hug, or light wave or soft handshake, pushed off meeting your friend for coffee because you were too busy to spend 20 minutes, consider coming back after the quarantine with a renewed appreciation and intention for all the people in your world that you interact with.
A couple easy and effective things to share with anyone; An Extra smile, a Thank you, walk an old person across the street, attention when they are talking to us.
Every gesture of kindness is healthy for you and the other person.
There is tremendous love, community action, and creative support happening in our community and all over this great country.
It’s amazing to see how people are supporting one another with food, motivation, uplifting words, and giving of their most precious commodity…time.
Let’s continue being the awesome IMpowered Community that we all are and keep sharing the love, kindness and support for others.
I WILL see you soon.
- Be Healthy
- Be Appreciative
- Be IMpowered
Coach Greg